Cesar Gon – Fundador e CEO da CI&T – Eng. Computação pela Unicamp The Digital Storm – How should successful companies react to it?

Material postado pelo Cesar Gon ao longo da palestra

Livro Faster Faster da CI&T

Artigo Why software is eating the world

Throwing the book at digital transformation
by Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School (2020)

A tempestade digital e a liderança num mundo pós-pandêmico
(Digital Storm and the challenge of leading in a post-pandemic world)
by Cesar Gon, MIT Sloan Management Review (2020)
[PT] https://mitsloanreview.com.br/post/a-tempestade-digital-e-a-lideranca-num-mundo-pos-pandemico

[EN] https://materiais.mitsloanreview.com.br/artigo-d

CI&T: Building an entrepreneurial management model
By Julian Birkinshaw 2020